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This is just one real-world example of how AI can already be weaponized by bad actors. And it's likely a big reason the FCC now wants to take action against AI-generated calls.

FCC's proposal to outlaw AI robocalls

FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel released a statement on Wednesday announcing a proposal that the FCC recognize calls generated by artificial intelligence as "artificial" voices under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). By doing this, the FCC would make AI-generated robocalls illegal.

The TCPA is often used by the FCC to limit junk calls received by consumers from telemarketers. Under this law, the usage of artificial or prerecorded voice messages as well as automatic telephone dialing systems is prohibited. 

"AI-generated voice cloning and images are already sowing confusion by tricking consumers into thinking scams and frauds are legitimate," Rosenworcel said in a statement. The statement continues:

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This is just one real-world example of how AI can already be weaponized by bad actors. And it's likely a big reason the FCC now wants to take action against AI-generated calls.

FCC's proposal to outlaw AI robocalls

FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel released a statement on Wednesday announcing a proposal that the FCC recognize calls generated by artificial intelligence as "artificial" voices under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). By doing this, the FCC would make AI-generated robocalls illegal.

The TCPA is often used by the FCC to limit junk calls received by consumers from telemarketers. Under this law, the usage of artificial or prerecorded voice messages as well as automatic telephone dialing systems is prohibited. 

"AI-generated voice cloning and images are already sowing confusion by tricking consumers into thinking scams and frauds are legitimate," Rosenworcel said in a statement. The statement continues:

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This is just one real-world example of how AI can already be weaponized by bad actors. And it's likely a big reason the FCC now wants to take action against AI-generated calls.

FCC's proposal to outlaw AI robocalls

FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel released a statement on Wednesday announcing a proposal that the FCC recognize calls generated by artificial intelligence as "artificial" voices under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). By doing this, the FCC would make AI-generated robocalls illegal.

The TCPA is often used by the FCC to limit junk calls received by consumers from telemarketers. Under this law, the usage of artificial or prerecorded voice messages as well as automatic telephone dialing systems is prohibited. 

"AI-generated voice cloning and images are already sowing confusion by tricking consumers into thinking scams and frauds are legitimate," Rosenworcel said in a statement. The statement continues:

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